You know you've joined the MOB
when you hear...
'My, are they all yours?'
'Bless you!' (Occasionally)
'Poor you!' (Frequently)
'Lucky you!' (Once)
And of course, the ultimate: 'So... are you going for a girl?'
I rarely say
this, being aware that we all have our own tastes, but Mob Rule is a
hands-down, must-read for all mothers of boys (MOB). Fellow MOB-er, author
Hannah Evans, manages to make you spit your morning coffee in laughter at her
tales of the high jinks and hilarious antics of life as the sole female in an
otherwise all male family. Being in the same boat, and having read on the topic
before, I was prepared for something clichéd and self aggrandizing, but Evans
has created a book that is fresh, funny and something that’s as good for a MOB
as a solo weekend at good hotel.
If you’ve
ever done the long haul driving holiday (why do we think this will work?) this
is the book for you. If you’ve ever questioned your femininity based on your
fallback wardrobe of boots, trackies and pull on jumpers, then this is a must
read. And if you’ve ever found your house…well, just impervious to any kind of
cleaning, then this is a sanity saver – going on the philosophy that laughter
is the best medicine.
I gave it 5
stars – and I’m as surprised as you are.
My review copy of Mob Rule thanks to the publisher who rules
My very own paper copy to love and treasure from the very deep but fun
people at Bloomsbury Australia
Dates: February, 2013
To purchase: click here
Author’s Site: http://www.hannahevans.co.uk/
light-hearted, always engaging, she specialises in researching and creating
VIVID and EMOTIVE features, that delve into the idiosyncrasies of the human
Rule is the funny, honest
and eye-opening account of Hannah's experiences as a Mother of Boys.
Supplemented by recipes, quizzes, mnemonics and mysteries, it is the
indispensible book for anyone who finds themselves adrift on a sea of
testosterone, wondering when the lifeboat is going to show up.
You may
be outnumbered, your face may be frazzled and your toe-nails black and bare,
but know that, far from being alone, you're part of a very special club.
Welcome to ... the MOB!